Wednesday, 12:25 am

Kevin Mitnick

The name Kevin Mitnick most often comes up while discussing prominent hackers. He was labeled the “most wanted cyber criminal in US history” by the US Department of Justice. The life of Kevin Mitnick is so outlandish that the feature film Track Down was inspired by it. He is widely considered the best hacker in

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Jonathan James

Jonathan James, also known as “c0mrade,” has a tragic story. He began hacking at a young age, hacking into several commercial and government networks and being imprisoned for it while still a minor. James eventually broke into NASA’s network and downloaded enough source code (worth $1.7 million at the time) to figure out how the

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Anonymous is the most well-known “hacker” of all time, but it is also the most ambiguous. Anonymous is not a single person, but rather a loosely knit group of hackers with no formal membership or hierarchy. Anonymous can be acted upon by anyone. Anonymous began in 2003 on the 4chan message boards in an unnamed

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Adrian Lamo

Adrian Lamo, then 20 years old, altered a Reuters story in 2001 by adding a false quote that was ascribed to former Attorney General John Ashcroft using an unprotected content management system at Yahoo. Lamo frequently breached computer systems before alerting the media and his victims. He occasionally assisted in the clean-up to increase their

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